Zpunkt - technical parametres for the official service







Access for Zpunkt requires login/password (netpunkt-login)


In operation

Database names:

danbib, folk, forsk, folkforsk, dbc, dlb, art, udenart, peri, mono


Init, Search, Present, Scan, Close

Formats in present:


Character set:

Latin-1 (ISO 8859-1)

Search syntax:


URL for description:


Support danZIG Profile on level:

Level 1

Z39.50 Version:



Zpunkt provides access to the databases of the Danish Bibliographic Centre (DBC).

Access to Zpunkt requires a Z39.50-client.

Use of Zpunkt requires a subscription. The DanBib-license provides automaticcally access to Zpunkt.

Payment for the use of the databases is individual for each database.

Re 'Database names':

    Main database
  • 'danbib' is the complete DanBib database

  • 'folk' is a logical subset with records from all DBC databases and public libraries
  • 'forsk' is a logical subset with records from Danish research libraries
  • 'folkforsk' is a logical subset with all records from folk and forsk
  • 'DBC' is a logical subset with records from DBC (library number: 870970), especially for the public libraries
  • 'dlb' is a database with all records from The Danish Local Bibliography (dlb)
  • 'art' is a logical subset containing articles only
  • 'udenart' is a logical subset excluding articles
  • 'mono' is a logical subset which contains monographs only
  • 'peri' is a logical subset which contains periodicals only

Re 'Formats in present':

'danMARC' format provides records in standard 'danMARC2' format in ISO-2709

Documentation in Danish for the DBC ISO-2709 header to the danMARC2 format

The danMARC2 format supports 2 metods of multivolume registration: all descriptive data in one record as in the MARC21 format or as records in 2 or more levels.

The principles for registration in more levels are, that descriptive data covering all volumes is registrated in the the top level record ("hovedpost") and the descriptive data specific for the volume is registrated in the bottom level record ("bindpost").
A middle level record ("sektionspost") may occur, if the work includes sections.

The records are linked by record-id in 2 danMARC fields:

  • 014 subfield a (the record-id of the upper level record)
  • 015 subfield a (the record-id of the lower level record)
    (The field is repeated for each lower section/volume record)

Within the format OID (1.2.840.10003.5.14) for danMARC the following present formats are offered as element set names used for the Danish hierarchical record structure:

  • hoved - provides the top level record
  • sektion - provides the middle level record
  • bind - provides the bottom level record or the one level record
The default format danMARC provides all levels as 1-3 individual ISO-2709 records.

In addition a format is offered with OID: 1.2.840.10003.5.1000.105.113. The format provides all levels in one ISO-2709 record using the 1st indicator as level indicator.

XML is offered for danMARC2 as the MarcXchange-format but only in the DanBib database.
It is reached as follows:

  • Format-OID 1.2.840.10003.5.109.10

    This format returns element set name danmarcxchange as a default present-format

    Other element set names must be set manually

    Holdings formats B1, B2 og B3 are also accessible.

Re 'Search syntax':

Use attribute sets supported:



Subscription to Zpunkt:

Contact the DBC sales administration E-mail: kundeservice@dbc.dk, tlf. +45 4486 7644

Subscription to databases with payment:

Contact the DBC sales sadministration, tlf. +45 4486 7644

User support:

Last update:
